Jennifer Neeley Global Social Media Management Consulting Group is more than just another social media agency. Nor are we a marketing or PR firm. We aren’t going to sell you on branding as the only piece of your Web presence that matters. The truth is public...
We talk about it all the time, everyone, from Lady Gaga (@LadyGaga) to @Starbucks to news organizations (@NYTimes) are using Twitter to engage with fans, facilitate customer service, and distribute news. With Twitter now at 300 million users, your audience is there...
We’re excited to bring you an exclusive preview of Simon Mainwaring’s (@simonmainwaring) new book! It’s called, “We First: How Brands and Consumers Use Social Media to Build a Better World,” and available June 7, 2011. [watch...
Kyle Lacy is the owner of a social media marketing and design firm, MindFrame (formerly Brandswag), and his clients have ranged from recording artist Jon McLaughlin to the Consumer Electronics Association to small businesses, with most having five or fewer employees...
In December, Carmen Scheidel (@Scheidel), Director of Education, Events and Multimedia Content at mediabistro (@mediabistro), came to me with an idea – the hybrid between a conference and the kind of online courses I teach for them (@mediabistroedu). The concept...