LeWeb’10 takes place in Paris December 8th and 9th 2010 at Les Docks. With more than 2,400 Participants from 54 countries, it’s the number one European event about the Internet. As you probably know, I covered the conference for BlogTalkRadio using Cinch...
She had us at ‘Whuffie.’ Actually, she had us even sooner than that! Named one of Fast Company’s Most Influential Women in Technology in 2009, she is a top speaker, entrepreneur, mom, Canadian, karaoke addict, Flickr fan and Twitter-holic and much...
Following the success of their events In London, Influence People is hosting a one-day Social Media Monitoring Conference in San Francisco on 21st October, followed by a half-day training bootcamp on 22nd October. Monitoring Social Media (#MSM10) will bring together...