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She had us at ‘Whuffie.’

Actually, she had us even sooner than that!

Named one of Fast Company’s Most Influential Women in Technology in 2009, she is a top speaker, entrepreneur, mom, Canadian, karaoke addict, Flickr fan and Twitter-holic and much more.

She is speaking high-demand, speaking at conferences around the world and we’re delighted to have her on The A-List!

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Learn more abour Tara from her bio:

The Personal Stuff

The Trouble With Normal…

Born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and raised in small town Alberta, Sundre [on a farm] [with cows], I am the least likely city girl you will ever meet. Yet, the bigger, the smellier, the more crowded the city, the happier I am. I prefer city scapes to mountain views and I think the most beautiful thing in the world is old, slightly broken down city architecture.I currently live in San Francisco, California Montreal, Quebec. The couple of years have been incredibly exciting for me. I was in Toronto, minding my own business (literally, with Rogue Strategies – now forwarding here) and writing on this blog, when I was ‘drafted’ to go to San Francisco to join an exciting stealth startup called Ojos, which became Riya, who has just launched a great new product called, Like. I left Riya in May of 2006 to pursue my own business, Citizen Agency, launched in June of 2006. We opened our coworking space in November 2006. Citizen Space expanded to new digs in January of 2009 and I left Citizen Agency.

In July of 2009, I left the SF Bay Area to return to my homeland, Canada, and settle into the gorgeous city of Montreal, via a karaoke roadtrip across America. I’m now working on Shwowp and available unavailable for speaking gigs.

Although I spend a good deal of time railing against marketing and consumerism, I am by profession an Online Marketing professional and, well, a consumer to the nth degree. You can ask anyone who knows me. I think these three personalities can meet in the middle, though, and I think that makes me more effective. I think about the consumer… the person, the living, breathing, thinking, feeling being that is out there looking for good ways to spend her hard-earned money. I have never believed in mass anything, because people are individuals and not ‘targets’. People don’t buy brands, they buy hope, stories, memories, necessities, etc.

Take off your marketing hat and put on your regular every-day person who has some money in your pocket (i.e. consumer) hat and you’ll see what I mean, but remember that we all have different experiences, memories, desires and needs.

I specialize in community marketing, which isn’t ‘building communities’, but rather, delighting and enchanting those people already part of your community – through product, communication and experience. I only take on clients and products I believe in.

What does HorsePigCow mean?

My mom, Marianne, is the queen of wise “mom-isms” (I quote her quite a bit here on the blog).HorsePigCow is a phrase she used to use to avoid embarrassment when she called someone by the wrong name (I inherited my mom’s scatter-brained goofiness, too…although it’s endearing to most). Something like, “Hi James, Jake *HorsePigCow* Jason. How are you?”It’s a way of saying, “Hell, I’m human and I screw up, but let’s move on” …at least that’s my interpretation. Plus, it’s nonsense. I like nonsense.

Favourite Quote:

I’ve read many great things over the years and I’ve heard some brilliant other things, but probably one of the most brilliant thing I’ve ever heard is a line from a song by Bruce Cockburn:

“The trouble with normal is it always gets worse.”

That’s what is all about for me. Making certain that normal doesn’t get worse.

My Resume: