Things were rather simple when social media mostly meant Facebook and Twitter, and ‘digital marketing’ revolved around flashy banners, email marketing and Google Adwords. But that was our marketing past. With ever growing digital platforms and changing...
We talk about it all the time, everyone, from Lady Gaga (@LadyGaga) to @Starbucks to news organizations (@NYTimes) are using Twitter to engage with fans, facilitate customer service, and distribute news. With Twitter now at 300 million users, your audience is there...
“Smarter, better,” customer service is what UserVoice (@UserVoice) promises and, by most accounts, delivers. But how? As the race the build the biggest social media presence continues, Evan Hamilton (@EvanHamilton) uses his “addiction...
Luke Brynley-Jones (@lbrynleyjones) – one of the UK’s most experienced social media consultants – brings his A-game to San Francisco on May 23rd for Social Media Marketing and Monitoring 2011 (#SMM11). Get a preview full of tips and advice right...
Augie Ray (@augieray) first joined The A-List back in April 2009, before he became a Senior Forrester Research (@Forrester) Analyst, filling the shoes of Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang), who left to become a partner at the Altimeter Group. Somewhat ironically, the very...
After seeing a big gap in Social Media Marketing tools and realizing she can help small businesses launch themselves into the space, Tammy Kahn Fennell (@TammyKFennell) started Pie Dog Media with Alan Hamlyn. Today, Tammy joins The A-List to talk about their popular...