Live Podcast: Tammy Kahn Fennell, Co-Founder of MarketMeSuite

Live Podcast: Tammy Kahn Fennell, Co-Founder of MarketMeSuite

After seeing a big gap in Social Media Marketing tools and realizing she can help small businesses launch themselves into the space, Tammy Kahn Fennell (@TammyKFennell) started Pie Dog Media with Alan Hamlyn. Today, Tammy joins The A-List to talk about their popular...
Live Podcast: Monitoring Social Media Conference Preview #MSM10

Live Podcast: Monitoring Social Media Conference Preview #MSM10

Following the success of their events In London, Influence People is hosting a one-day Social Media Monitoring Conference in San Francisco on 21st October, followed by a half-day training bootcamp on 22nd October. Monitoring Social Media (#MSM10) will bring together...