As anyone who has followed my musings – online and otherwise – can attest, I am a sucker for a good cause. Need I remind you I was a Peace Corps and AmeriCorps volunteer? Didn’t think so.. As a public relations pro now, it delights me to say...
I wasn’t sure I wanted to reveal this, but, what the heck. After going back-and-forth on my own head, I decided to post this. I think, now more than ever, we should be sharing our stories of enduring humanity. Here’s my attempt… Put simply, this...
Magazine, Newspaper & Web Dinner with Sopranos is offer that’s hard to refuse (Contra Costa Times, Sept. 14, 2001) [theater review] Jennifer as Peace Corps volunteer in Turkmenistan [written in Turkmen cyrillic, 1998-1999 *Translation to come] In Action (Page 5,...