Luke Brynley-Jones (@lbrynleyjones) – one of the UK’s most experienced social media consultants – brings his A-game to San Francisco on May 23rd for Social Media Marketing and Monitoring 2011 (#SMM11). Get a preview full of tips and advice right...
In December, Carmen Scheidel (@Scheidel), Director of Education, Events and Multimedia Content at mediabistro (@mediabistro), came to me with an idea – the hybrid between a conference and the kind of online courses I teach for them (@mediabistroedu). The concept...
After seeing a big gap in Social Media Marketing tools and realizing she can help small businesses launch themselves into the space, Tammy Kahn Fennell (@TammyKFennell) started Pie Dog Media with Alan Hamlyn. Today, Tammy joins The A-List to talk about their popular...