new_book2And, of course, I’m embarrassed to seem braggy, but if you can’t brag on your own blog, where can you?

I am the quote that opens chapter 8, “Is It All About Business Exchange?” in, “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Social Media, but were afraid to ask…: Building Your Business Using Consumer Generated Media” by Hilary JM Topper, MPA.

Here’s what I have to say:

BusinessWeek Exchange is one of the most inventive, creative ideas to along in a long time. It takes the idea of ‘user’ in user-generated content and does something really interesting with it. It brings ‘companies’ into the fold as ‘users’ – presenting a unique and potentially controversial – way of looking at contributed content. I believe we won’t see the full impact of what BusinessWeek Exchange – and others to come – will have for at least the next year, and probably the next 2 to 3 years.

I factor blog networks from Fast Company, Wired and the like into this, too. They’re allowing CEOs (and other, usually C-level company people) to contribute to the dialogue as though they’re reporters under the guise of a ‘blog.’ Again, authority and influence changes with the title of the person writing. That is, when and if the user – meaning reader – realizes it, which they inevitably will.
– Jennifer Lindsay, Director of Digital Services, Social Media Evangelist / New Media Guru, Eastwick Communications

In addition to Amazon, it  is now available on Barnes & Noble online as well as an ebook on iUniverse.

So what do you think of what I had to say? Please post what you think in the comments area…