She’s a Second Life expert, non-profit help/savior and she’s our guest today my BlogTalkRadio program for my company, Eastwick Communications – Susan Tenby, Senior Manager, Online Community Development, TechSoup Global.
Susan Tenby
I broadcast our hour-long chat live on Friday, March 6th, and is available by archive below.
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.874358&w=210&h=105&fv=]
[Click here to listen if player above does not appear]
Look for the detailed information Susan and I discussed in the “Links” section below.
Meantime, learn more about Susan: She is the TechSoup Community Manager, where she is responsible for the promotion, management and direction of the TS community forums, with an audience of 100,000 unique visitors a month.
Last year, she launched a community of over 400 nonprofit staff members and volunteers in Second Life. This community has a shared community blog at and a wiki about nonprofit activities in SL. They have a shared community tagging project using the tag “NPSL” (Nonprofits in Second Life) on sites such as, Technorati and Flickr, weekly in-world meetings, every Friday from 8:30-9:30am PST to teach scripting and best-practices to nonprofits in SL.
She has launched two sims in Second Life called The Nonprofit Commons 1 (on Plush) and The Nonprofit Commons 2 (on ALOFT), with the NPSL community, on land and buildings, all donated by Anshe Chung Studios.
These nonprofits-only sims house 70 organizations, free of charge, to lower the barrier of access to the virtual world. She is now working on launching two additional sims in the virtual world.
She was recently honored to be invited to testify before the US Congress on Nonprofits and Second Life, by Congressman Markey.
She runs monthly online community meet-ups in San Francisco. She speaks at conferences (in June, she organized a panel on Nonprofits in Second Life at Games for Change on Virtual Activism and presented on Using Second Life an innovative marketing tool at Supernova2007). In August, she spoke at SLCC and in October, she presented at Faster Cures and Using Second Life for Social Work. Last month, she presented at the Nonprofit Technology Conference on Using Second Life for Nonprofits and virtual activism. She also writes on the topic of online community building in its various forms. She is frequently interviewed and is covered by many blogs, some of the coverage can be found here.
Links, including those discussed during the program:
Donate Your Brain – TechSoup Global
NetSquared Monthly Meetup (Meetup at Net Tuesday)
Twitter hashtag: #net2
- – Kids Corner, Drama therapy
SLCC Support Group – Regular meeting Fridays at 8:30 – 10:00AM, featuring ~50 avatars from all over the world
April 22nd – Launch new island in Second Life –
The San Francisco Online Community Report Meetup Group – Fourth Wednesday every month
Free or Cheap Products for Non-Profits – TechSoup Global
Who Non-Profits Should Follow On Twitter –
Project SLURL, Avatar Name: Glitteractica Cookie
[cross-posted here…]