Bob LeVitus, also known as Dr. Mac – is the author of more than 50 computer-related books, particularly on the Apple Macintosh, iPhone, and iPad for the ‘For Dummies’ book series. He started his own Mac troubleshooting business, called Dr. Mac Consulting and has...
After seeing a big gap in Social Media Marketing tools and realizing she can help small businesses launch themselves into the space, Tammy Kahn Fennell (@TammyKFennell) started Pie Dog Media with Alan Hamlyn. Today, Tammy joins The A-List to talk about their popular...
On the 25th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it’s only fitting that we focus The A-List today on social good and nonprofits. Join us for an insightful hour with Beth Kanter, who returns to The A-List to discuss her highly acclaimed book, The...