Charlene Li is a legend, a young one, but a legend nonetheless. In 6 months she’s created a new breed of business with her consulting company, Altimeter Group. In that time, she’s also written a new book, Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way...
I’m exciting to be moderating a great panel on Social Media and business Tuesday, February 16th from 6-9 PM. And I’m calling for your questions now (tweet in to @jennifered)! The question?: To “go social” or not? And should we still be asking that...
This week we have a special treat on The A-List, a wonderful, one-woman powerhouse of a musician, Zoë Keating. Recently named one of the Hot 20 people of 2009 by 7×7 magazine, they dubbed her, “Avant-Cellist.” It’s a fitting description, but for...