Luke Brynley-Jones (@lbrynleyjones) – one of the UK’s most experienced social media consultants – brings his A-game to San Francisco on May 23rd for Social Media Marketing and Monitoring 2011 (#SMM11). Get a preview full of tips and advice right...
Kyle Lacy is the owner of a social media marketing and design firm, MindFrame (formerly Brandswag), and his clients have ranged from recording artist Jon McLaughlin to the Consumer Electronics Association to small businesses, with most having five or fewer employees...
Augie Ray (@augieray) first joined The A-List back in April 2009, before he became a Senior Forrester Research (@Forrester) Analyst, filling the shoes of Jeremiah Owyang (@jowyang), who left to become a partner at the Altimeter Group. Somewhat ironically, the very...