Live Podcast: Monitoring Social Media Conference Preview #MSM10

Live Podcast: Monitoring Social Media Conference Preview #MSM10

Following the success of their events In London, Influence People is hosting a one-day Social Media Monitoring Conference in San Francisco on 21st October, followed by a half-day training bootcamp on 22nd October. Monitoring Social Media (#MSM10) will bring together...
Live Podcast: Preview of Startup PR Summit 2010

Live Podcast: Preview of Startup PR Summit 2010

  Join me this weekend at the Startup PR Summit 2010 this Saturday, October 16 in San Francisco at Atelier. I’ll be joining a stellar group of PR professionals to speak about the ins and outs of pitching to the media for your startup.   This is an exclusive...
Email For The Generations Presentation At #SMMSF

Email For The Generations Presentation At #SMMSF

Nielsen and comScore tell us from their stats that advertisers look at all of us through a generational lens. Coming from more than a decade in the television industry – both on-air and digital – I have long been taught to use information we know about...