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fortyUnder40_09I don’t know if  it’s the Ivy League over-achiever in me or if I’m simply more competitive by nature than I realize, but I feel strangely panicky about having not made a 40 under 40 as yet.

It’s not as though I’ve achieved nothing; I earned the two Emmy noms under my belt… but recognition is important on a number of levels. As I get older, I find the need to be singled-out for achievement grows with one’s accomplishments.

Don’t get me wrong, I have some time to make an ‘under 40’ list – but not a ton – and part of having deep industry knowledge (e.g. knowing what the heck you’re doing or trying to accomplish in the digital space) means doing lots of things simultaneously that may dilute the appearance of your efforts in any one area.

I must sound off-my-rocker to some of you… but since you’re reading this, perhaps I’m not far off the mark.

What’s an accomplishment you’re looking to achieve… and are worried you won’t? Do share! (pretty please)