“Smarter, better,” customer service is what UserVoice (@UserVoice) promises and, by most accounts, delivers.


But how?


As the race the build the biggest social media presence continues, Evan Hamilton (@EvanHamilton) uses his “addiction to building things” as Community Manager at UserVoice to help companies of all shapes and make sure they don’t leave customer support behind.


Evan writes the blog “Understanding Your Customers” for UserVoice, featuring insights into succeeding through great customer service.


In addition to his daily duties at UserVoice, Evan is also speaks at events like Failcon and Social Media Week and helps organize community manager-oriented events such as the Community Leadership Summit West.


When he finds some free time he likes to play rollicking americana music as Kicking Tuesday.


Don’t miss the archive of our live discussion!:


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Questions for the show are crowd-sourced. Thank you to those of you who submitted queries for this show. You can always use Twitter (@jennifered), Facebook or email to send them in for future episodes!

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