Richard Binhammer, Source: Brian Solis, www.briansolis.com, bub.blicio.us
It’s the case study everyone points to – Dell.
Some of my A-List guests described Dell’s early efforts to deal with the advent of social media discourse as ‘ignoring it,’ while still others said they had their ‘head in buried in the sand’ – but all point to them as an example of a company who has course corrected and is now reaping the benefits of doing social media ‘right.’
Today, I interviewed one of the key people responsible for that shift from ‘hate’ to ‘great,’ Richard Binhammer (case in point: Richard’s T-shirt in the photo, right). Listen to the archive here:
[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.877691&w=210&h=105&fv=]
[Click here to listen if player above does not appear]
Richard might be best-known simply as RICHARDatDELL from his Twitter handle. But his background suggests there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to Richard, as this excerpt from Lee Odden’s interview with Richard, published in December last year:
Richard has enjoyed a career that has taken him from Canadian politics, lobbying and election campaigns to public relations in the Midwest to Corporate Communications in NYC and then public affairs, now social media/blog outreach at Dell.
We’ll ask Richard about the journey that led him to such a pivotal role at Dell and much, much more.