

It struck me last night…

I was giving a presentation to CoreNet Northern California young leaders and as the audience asked questions and became more engaged, it hit me.

I was handing out (verbal) prescriptions.

I wouldn’t call it advice – strategy at its best ties far too directly to one’s business goals and objectives – it was something far more serious.

Prescribing social media as a sort of medicine to help companies excel in this economy is a serious business. A I treat it so.

A Facebook Fan Page does not a social media strategy make, and yet I’ve seen professionals from well-regarded organizations present a fan page – and only a fan page – to clients as though it were a soup-to-nuts social media strategy.

I call that social media malpractice.

If you’re ever delivered an approach that shallow, ask for your money back and start leaning a bit on your own – at least enough to tell the charlatans from the experts.

I plan to provide free or low-cost webinars on the basics to empower you and get you on a level playing field so you know when you’re get poor counsel and can bring the best experts in to help with the heavy-lifting.

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Have you been a victim of social media malpractice or – on the flip side – a social media miracle? Please share your experience by commenting below!