Vilma Luoma-aho
Nearly a year ago, I had the pleasure of meeting with Vilma Luoma-aho, a post-doctoral researcher and visiting scholar (H‐STAR Institute) at Stanford University. She was here from Finland as part of the Innovation Journalism program, and wanted to discuss my views on social media as well as the traditional media world I was born out of.
I’ve since had many opportunities to see Vilma again, most notably at Social Media Club San Francisco/Silicon Valley events and it’s always been a joy to bump into her and hear the latest on her work.
Perhaps ironically, perhaps strangely, my first travel outside the US on my own came as an exchange student in Sweden via Finnair – my first and lasting impression of Scandinavia (more accurately Nordic) was Helsinki’s Vantaa airport where, for the first time in my life, I saw female cab drivers.
But I digress.
It was a joy to meet and be interviewed by her then and to run into her thereafter. I wanted to send a special shout out to her and the product of her efforts, some of which are available online here:
Reputation & Attention:
Journalism & PR:
She also opened my eyes to the Innovation Journalism program, which is interesting unto itself. Check out Founding Executive Director David Nordfors’s blog.
I understand Vilma’s returned to the University of Jyväskylä, Finland to work in a research group studying the role of intangibles for innovation in organizations.
I wish her all my best!